Digital Art services In this technology-driven world that we live in today, almost everything is digitalized.

We use computers to check our mail, smartphones to communicate,

and send photos and videos to each other using social media.

Gal Yosef: Avant Garde Digital Sculptor - Eden Gallery

Like everything else, art has also started going digital.

Younger generations have grown up with digital art, but it is still a very new concept for many of us.

If you want to know more about what digital is and how you can get into creating it or collecting it, then keep on reading!

Digital Definition

Digital art, once called computer art or new media art, refers to art made

using software, computers, or other electronic devices.

Anything produced or made on digital media, such as animations, photographs, illustrations

videos, digital paintings, and such can be classified as digital art.

Is Digital Real Art?

There has been much debate and varying opinions on whether or not digital counts as real art.

If by “real,” you mean is the end product actual physical items made using physical tools? Then no.

Digital Art Services | Best Portraits
Digital Art Services | Best Portraits

But at the same time, digital can be called real art because it requires more

or less the same creative techniques and skills that traditional art needs.

Digital Art services  is art, and the primary purpose of art is to express

the artist’s emotions regardless of the medium used.

Making good quality digital requires the same amount of skill, talent

originality, knowledge, and effort as any other traditional art piece.

Every artist must learn to master his tools regardless of the medium. Therefore

it’s fair to say can be called “real” art.

Malafaat provides the best Digital Services for portraits and wallpaper,

Stickers, with Egyptian Multi Talent Mustafa Elnefyawi

one of the best Digital Artists in Egypt , he provide a Real Digital details , you can watch one his albums about Digital Art

if you are looking for Digital Art Services Contact Malafaat and make your special Drawing with the best Digital Art Artist in Egypt